This Blog Contains Doctor Who Spoilers

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's MUCH Bigger On The Inside

The time has come. The new TARDIS interior has been released. The embargo lifted and in these wonderfully good looking photographs, courtesy of the Radio Times, I defy you to find anything to moan about.

Okay. I take that last comment back. The set is pretty. It's huge. It's bright and it has some severe health and safety violations. NO RAILINGS ON THAT UPPER LEVEL? Knowing how clumsy Matt Smith is it's a wonder we didn't get a headline reading "New Doctor Who Breaks Back In TARDIS Set Fall Horror!" or something! But no, seriously now. This could possibly be the most beautiful television set I have ever seen. It's new without being shocking, with enough of a call back to the old design to keep the more uncomfortable fans at ease. And there's something intrinsically normal about seeing Matt and Karen in there, almost as if they were always in this set and we've been watching them for years. I don't know, maybe it's just me but this whole revelation (more photographs available HERE) makes me feel completely at ease with the change that is to come. SO much had changed this series that you would be forgiven for feeling a little left out. A tiny bit alienated. But rest easy, because all reports suggest that New New Who has enough of OLD New Who in it to keep the fans watching while pushing the series forward. As it should be.

Just look at it! Obviously there will be those out there who will hate the new design - there always are a few. But that was bound to happen. They complained when the console was glimpsed in the trailer, but as this photo shows context is everything. THIS is the TARDIS console I could picture myself hovering around while the Doctor flies me off to God only knows where... And that's how it should be. More real than the 2005-2010 design, but still alien enough to feel like it's beyond our understanding. Set, as you can see, on three levels. There's a distinct feeling of "space and time machine" rather than "grown through symbiotic cooperation. And that's a good thing.

I'm literally just squeeing over this now... There's no critique in this blog post at all... I guess that just goes to show how much of an impact this new design has had on me. I am completely sold on it. BUT I would like to know what you think. You're my readership after all. The ones who matter. So... Usual ways to get in touch. @reply me on Twitter (there's a link to my Twitter page in the sidebar) or comment below. Also, the "LIKE/DISLIKE" buttons below; click them to show your opinion on the TARDIS DESIGN. Let's see who likes it and who doesn't.

BUY THIS WEEK'S RADIO TIMES. IT'S CLEARLY WORTH IT! And while we're on the subject of Who in the media, The Big Issue has a great little interview with Karen Gillan this week. Buy that too. It's for a good cause. Aaaaand, relax!


  1. Think it looks amazing... can't wait to see it explored a bit more. Although, I'd be surprised if it got passed the Gallifreyan Health and Safety executive. It's a lippery floor with no rails around most of the raised diaz. :-)

  2. Kev, it's the first thing I thought of when I saw it lol. Matt MUST have fallen off there at some point, right? PLEASE SAY HE DID!!!!

  3. Oh, it's -lovely-! I'm still holding out for a glance at the zeppelin hanger or at least the library though. *g*
